Lakeshore Hydrant Services Inc. provides pressurized hydrant and valve services, as well as dry hydrant & cistern compliance or annual inspections. Our own line of products The Hydrant Sock being used across North America, and our growing line of Pretzel products, hydrant marker in NFPA 291 colours & now the pad mount transformer marker.
We Ensure a continued and optimum operation of water distribution systems and fire service mains.
We Ensure that they conform to the latest regulations and standards for fire protection and drinking water quality.

Dry Hydrants and Cisterns are a rural fire protection regulated under NFPA 1142 and the Ontario Fire Code for areas where there are no pressurized fire hydrants. They provide rural fire departments with a ready source of water for fire protection.
With our Discovery Unit we are able to do the thorough inspection called for in the fire code.
LHS Inc. are continually trying to develop useful products for the water industry. These include:
Pretzel Hydrant Marker
Hydrant Sock

Pretzel Hydrant Marker
The Pretzel Hydrant Marker gives owners of fire hydrants a new option with a completely 100% polycarbonate reversible marker that will mount on all common hydrants.
Our service area extends throughout Central and Eastern Ontario from service locations in Cobourg and Kemptville.
Our Dry Hydrant & Cistern Program is an extension of our services to ensure reliable rural fire protection based in Cobourg and covering all of Ontario.